Research Focus

The research endeavors focus on the investigation of inflammatory and immune-related processes, with particular interest in the functional/modulatory role of histamine and its receptors3 in human (patho)physiology, including autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, allergic responses and drug hypersensitivity reactions. Pharmacologically active agents principally targeting the histaminergic system are evaluated for their translational potential in the orchestration of acute and chronic inflammation4, antigen tolerance5, development6 and the adaptive and protective cellular stress response7. Notably, the study of histamine started in the early 20th century, yet the identification of the histamine H4 receptor in 2000 and its distribution mainly, but not exclusively in immune cells revived the interest of the international research community in the role of histamine in immunoregulation and inflammation.

The role of histamine and/or histamine receptors in:

  • the orchestration of acute and chronic inflammation
  • allergen tolerance in allergic individuals
  • the host-microbe communication governing symbiosis
  • the adaptive and protective cellular stress response and developmental processes

Preclinical evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory action of old and new pharmacologically active agents mainly targeting the histamine H1-H4 receptors

Investigation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying drug hypersensitivity reactions (drug allergy) ...intelligent web software